What to do with Bully Stick Nubs? Don’t waste the last bit of bull pizzle

Entertain My Dog has previously gone in depth reviewing bully sticks. The conclusion was that if you purchase high quality sticks and take a few precautions, they’re a great treat for your pup.

You can read our post Are Bully Sticks Safe if you want to assess for yourself.

One of the riskiest parts of giving your dog a bully stick is the last piece. If your dog swallows to large a piece of bully stick it can cause a block. Intestinal blockage is extremely dangerous and one of the main causes of emergency vet visits.

In turn, it is often recommended to take the treat away from your dog when it gets too small. But trashing the nub, means wasting a piece of an expensive treat.

As you likely know, Entertain My Dog is big on using Bully stick holders prevent your dog from gulping their bully stick. These holders are safer for your pup but often leave a large final piece. The Bully Buddy is one of the most popular bully stick holders. This is what their website advises to do with the last of the bully stick:

Unscrew the tightening knob located on the side of your Bow Wow Buddy to release the last piece of the Safe Fit Bully Stick™ – the choking hazard – and properly dispose of it.


Below we will discuss better things to do than trashing the expensive last piece of your dog’s treat:

Photo by Annushka Ahuja on Pexels.com

Make bully stick broth 

Simply simmer the nub in water for a few hours, or until it has softened and released its flavor. You can then strain the broth and serve it to your dog as a tasty and nutritious drink.

Add it to your dog’s food

Grate the remainder of the bully stick to add it to your dog’s regular food. This is a great way to give your dog a little extra protein and flavor.

brown and white dog eating from red kong classic
Cute dog eating from kong

Use it to stuff a Kong or other food puzzle toy

This is a great way to keep your dog entertained and challenged for a longer period of time. Like the above, soak the last piece of bully and cut it into small pieces. Simply fill the toy with the bully stick nub and other treats, and yogurt/broth then then freeze it. Your dog will have to work to get the treats out, which will help to keep them mentally stimulated.

Make it into a DIY dog chew 

If you’re handy, you can use a saw to cut the nub into smaller pieces and then drill a hole in each piece. Thread a piece of rope through the holes and tie it off to create a DIY dog chew.

Make bully stick chips 

Soak the bully stick nub until it is easy to cut the nub into thin slices. Bake the slices of remaining bully stick a low temperature until they are crispy. These chips are a delicious and healthy snack for your dog.

dog staring at a treat in front of his face
Photo by Fabian Ku00f6hler on Pexels.com

No matter what you choose to do with the leftover nub of a bullystick, make sure it’s safe for your dog. Avoid giving them any pieces that are too small or that could pose a choking hazard.

Note: If you don’t have time to do any of the above, it’s better to throw away the last of the bullystick rather than risk your dogs health.

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