7 Fun and Easy Dog Training Games and Activities

dog high fiving owner on road

Dog training is an important part of owning a dog, but it doesn’t have to be boring! There are many fun and easy games that you can play with your dog to help them learn and bond with you at the same time.

Games are good training for dogs for a number of reasons:

  • They are fun and motivating. Dogs love to play, so they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn when training is done in the form of games.
  • They are interactive and social. Many games involve interaction between the dog and the owner, which helps to strengthen the bond between them. Games can also be a great way to socialize dogs and help them to learn how to interact with other dogs appropriately.
  • They are effective. Games can be used to teach dogs a variety of skills, from basic obedience commands to more complex tricks. Games can also be used to help dogs with behavior problems, such as anxiety or aggression.

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Here are 7 fun and easy dog training games and activities:

1. Name Game

This game is a great way to teach your dog their name and to help them learn to pay attention to you. To play, simply say your dog’s name and then wait for them to look at you. Once they make eye contact, give them a treat or praise. Repeat this game several times a day, and your dog will soon learn to respond to their name.

While it sounds simple, your dog knowing their name makes everything else easier. You’re also teaching them to give you attention when you say their name. In a scary situation being able to get your dog’s attention is essential. This game reinforces this essential safety skill.

alt text: dog looking through sheets – Photo by Connor Home on Unsplash

2. Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a fun and challenging game for dogs of all ages. To play, simply find a hiding spot and call your dog’s name. Once they find you, give them a treat and lots of praise. You can make the game more challenging by hiding in different places or by having multiple people hide.

alt text: Dog carrying tennis ball in mouth – Photo by Mia Anderson on Unsplash

3. Fetch

Fetch is a classic dog game that is both fun and rewarding. To play, simply throw a ball or toy for your dog to fetch. Once they bring it back to you, give them a treat and praise. You can also make the game more challenging by adding more variations. For example, you can have your dog fetch the toy from different locations, over obstacles, or through different types of terrain. You can also use different types of toys, such as a ball, frisbee, or bumper.

While fetch may not seem like a training game, it teaches your dog basic obedience commands. When you teach your dog to fetch, you are also teaching them to sit, stay, and come when called. These are all essential obedience commands that every dog should know.

4. Sit and Stay

Sit and stay are two basic obedience commands that are essential for any dog to know. To teach your dog to sit, simply hold a treat in front of their nose and slowly move it up and over their head. As they follow the treat with their nose, their bottom should naturally go down into a sitting position. Once they are sitting, say “sit” and give them the treat. To teach your dog to stay, simply say “stay” and then take a few steps back. If they stay sitting, give them a treat. If they get up, start over.

5. Shell Game

The shell game is a fun and challenging game that is great for stimulating your dog’s mind. To play, simply place a treat under one of three cups and then mix the cups up. Let your dog sniff the cups and then try to guess which cup the treat is under. If they guess correctly, give them the treat. If they guess incorrectly, try again.

These are just a few of the many fun and easy dog training games that you can play with your dog. Be creative and come up with your own games, too! The most important thing is to make sure that the games are fun for both you and your dog.

6. Puzzle Toys

While not so much a game to play with your dog, puzzle toys can be used to stimulate dogs mentally and teach them to solve problems. They can also be used to help dogs with separation anxiety or other behavior problems. It is also important to supervise your dog while they are playing with puzzle toys to make sure that they do not get frustrated or attempt to eat the toy.

Here are some specific examples of how puzzle toys can be used to train dogs:

  • Food puzzle toys can be used to teach dogs basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come. They can also be used to help dogs slow down their eating and improve their digestion.
  • Interactive puzzle toys can be used to teach dogs tricks and commands, such as roll over, shake, and speak. They can also be used to help dogs develop their problem-solving skills. Examples of interactive puzzle toys are like the buttons you see dogs use in videos.
  • Snuffle mats are a type of puzzle toy that can be used to help dogs develop their sense of smell. They are also a great way to keep dogs entertained and occupied.

Check out our post on 30 of the best puzzle toys on the market

dog jumping over agility bar
alt text: dog jumping over agility bar – Photo by Roger Chapman on Unsplash

7. Agility Training

Agility training is a great way to keep your dog physically and mentally healthy, and it is also a fun and rewarding activity for both you and your dog to enjoy. A few benefits of agility training for dogs include physical and mental stimulation, confidence boosting, and bonding with you.

In addition to the above benefits, agility training can also be used to teach dogs basic obedience commands and tricks. It can also be used to help dogs with behavior problems, such as anxiety or hyperactivity.

Agility training is a great activity for dogs of all ages and breeds. It is especially well-suited for high-energy dogs, as it provides them with a way to burn off their excess energy. However, even low-energy dogs can enjoy agility training, as it can be modified to their fitness level.

If you are interested in trying agility training with your dog, there are many different ways to get started. You can join an agility club or class, or you can set up your own agility course at home. There are also many resources available online and in libraries that can teach you more about agility training.

Find more ideas for enrichment with your dog in our post on entertainment activities not involving food

Tips for dog training games:

  • Start simple: Start with simple games and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog gets better.
  • Positive reinforcement: Always use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your dog for good behavior, rather than punishing them for bad behavior.
  • Short: Keep the games short and fun. Dogs have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep the games moving.
  • Appropriate for your dog: When choosing games for your dog, it is important to select games that are appropriate for their age, breed, and skill level. It is also important to supervise your dog while they are playing and to make sure that they are having fun.
  • End positive: End each game on a positive note, even if your dog didn’t do perfectly. This will help them to stay motivated and engaged.

These are just a few of the many fun and easy dog training games and activities that you can play with your dog. Be creative and come up with your own games, too! The most important thing is to make sure that the games are fun for both you and your furry best friend.

Cover photo credit: Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash

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